Photographs of mesophilous steppic pastures of the subalpine belt and mesic grasslands of the alpine belt belonging to: a – community of Dracocephalum formosum in the Zeravshan Mountains; b – community of Allium giganteum near the Kosh-Ob village in Vakhsh Mountains; c – Erigeronto seravschanici-Eremuretum hissarici near the Anzob Pass, Hissar Mts; d – Poo alpinae-Swertietum graciliflorae near the Anzob Pass, Hissar Mts; e – Astragalo alpini-Linetum olgae in the Fann Mountains; f – Ligulario alpigenae-Solenanthetum karategini near the Koshtegirmen village, the Peter the First Mountains (pictures a, b, d, e, f were taken by A. Nowak and c by S. Świerszcz).