A view of a steppe meadow of the Festucion rupicolae with a stand of the Festuco rupicolae-Stipetum pennatae on the Tamás hill above Balatonfüred in the Balaton region, a place visited by Soó. On the picture you can see Stipa pennata (= S. joannis), Verbascum phoeniceum, Veronica prostrata, Euphorbia cyparissias and Campanula sibirica. Photo: N. Bauer.

  Part of: Theurillat J-P, Di Pietro R, Bauer N, Terzi M (2023) Proposal (35) to conserve the name Festucion valesiacae. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4: 323-327. https://doi.org/10.3897/VCS.108437