Box plots of the cover of dominant species per plant community. Plant communities: 1: Distichia muscoides, 2: Rockhausenia pygmaea, 3: Plantago rigida, 4: Plantago tubulosa, 5: Lachemilla diplophylla, 6: Aciachne pulvinata, 7: Juncus stipulatus, 8: Calamagrostis rigescens, 9: Calamagrostis chrysantha, 10: Distichia filamentosa, 11: Lobelia oligophylla, 12: Mixed community 1 (a: Calamagrostis vicunarum, b: Lachemilla diplophylla, c: Plantago tubulosa), 13: Mixed community 2 (d: Distichia muscoides, e: Eleocharis albibracteata).

  Part of: Maldonado-Fonkén M, Chuquillanqui H, Vildoso B, Linares-Palomino R (2024) Plant communities of high-Andean bofedal wetlands across a trans-Andean transect in southern Peru. Vegetation Classification and Survey 5: 203-218.