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Article title
Study area
Physiogeography, climate, soils, geology
National typologies of Armenian dry grasslands
Overview on the described syntaxa from the surrounding countries
Field sampling in Armenia
Data from external sources
Plot data from the surrounding countries
Environmental data from external sources
Attributes for the Armenian species
Statistical analysis
Unsupervised classification
Comparison of syntaxon characteristics
Syntaxonomic assignment
Unsupervised classification and ordination of the West Asian and Caucasian dataset
General overview of the Armenian plots
Classification of the Armenian dataset
Ordination of the Armenian dataset
Syntaxonomic scheme
Description of the syntaxa
Differentiation of the syntaxa with respect to ecology, structure and biodiversity
Topography, climate and soil
Structure and species composition
Plot-scale species richness
Higher-level units of the dry grasslands and thorn-cushion communities of Armenia
Lower-level syntaxonomic units
Biodiversity and ecology of the studied communities
Conclusions and outlook
Data availability
Author contributions
Appendix 1
E-mail and ORCID
Supplementary materials
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