Gustavo Martínez, Mariana Brea, Gustavo A. Martínez, Alejandro F. Zucol (2021)
First anthrachological studies at the eastern Pampa-Patagonia transition (Argentina). Hunter-gatherers management of woody material and Initial Late Holocene vegetal communities inferred from the Zoko Andi 1 archaeological site.
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Melisa A. Giorgis, Marcelo R. Cabido, Ana M. Cingolani, María V. Palchetti, Sebastián R. Zeballos, Juan José Cantero, Alicia T. R. Acosta (2022)
ArgVeg – Database of Central Argentina.
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Juan José Cantero, Sebastián Rodolfo Zeballos, César Omar Núñez, Jorge Sfragulla, Alicia T. R. Acosta, Guillermo Funes, Andrea Amuchástegui, José Mulko, Aldo Bonalumi, Marcelo Rubén Cabido (2022)
Classification of rocky outcrops plant communities in the mountains of Central Argentina.
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Sebastián R. Zeballos, Paula Venier, Mariana Pereyra, Denise Simian, Guillermo Funes (2023)
Germination niche of a pioneer woody species (Manihot grahamii hook.): a strategy of seed heat stimulation to cope with disturbance in dry subtropical forests.
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Giovana Galfrascoli, Gabriel Bernardello, Ana Calviño (2023)
How well do trees fit the city? Lessons from an urban tree survey in Córdoba, Argentina..
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Juan Diego PINOTTI, María Laura MARTIN, Marina Beatriz CHIAPPERO, Verónica ANDREO, Raúl Enrique GONZÁLEZ‐ITTIG (2024)
Combining phylogeography and ecological niche modeling to infer the evolutionary history of the Cordoba vesper mouse (Calomys venustus).
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Cristina Vidal-Riveros, Pablo Souza-Alonso, Sandra Bravo, Rafaela Laino, Marie Ange Ngo Bieng (2023)
A review of wildfires effects across the Gran Chaco region.
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Jürgen Dengler, Idoia Biurrun, Florian Jansen, Wolfgang Willner (2022)
Vegetation Classification and Survey: development and diversification.
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Jürgen Dengler, Idoia Biurrun, Florian Jansen, Wolfgang Willner (2024)
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Guadalupe González Argüello, Edith Filippini, Ana Sofía Machado (2023)
Morpho-anatomical variations of Parmotrema pilosum (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in fragmented forests of central Argentina: relationship between forest cover and distance to crops.
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Sebastián R. Zeballos, Marcelo R. Cabido, Juan J. Cantero, Alicia T.R. Acosta, M. Virginia Palchetti, Juan Argarañaz, Paula I. Marcora, Paula A. Tecco, Ana Ferreras, Guillermo Funes, Victoria M. Vaieretti, Georgina Conti, Melisa A. Giorgis (2021)
Floristic patterns of the neotropical forests, savannas and scrublands with Trithrinax campestris (Arecaceae) in central Argentina.
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Detection of woody species Schinopsis haenkeana using phenological spectral differences and NDVI texture measures in subtropical forests.
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Melina S. Piacenza, Guillermo Funes , María B. Naldini, María V. Palchetti, Esteban Kowaljow (2024)
Contribución del banco de semillas del suelo a la restauración de agroecosistemas y fragmentos de bosques del Espinal (Córdoba).
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Melisa A. Giorgis, Sebastian R. Zeballos, Lucas Carbone, Heike Zimmermann, Henrik von Wehrden, Ramiro Aguilar, Ana E. Ferreras, Paula A. Tecco, Esteban Kowaljow, Fernando Barri, Diego E. Gurvich, Pablo Villagra, Pedro Jaureguiberry (2021)
A review of fire effects across South American ecosystems: the role of climate and time since fire.
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Sebastián R. Zeballos, Alicia T. R. Acosta, Walter D. Agüero, Rodrigo J. Ahumada, Martín G. Almirón, Daihana S. Argibay, Daniel N. Arroyo, Lisandro J. Blanco, Fernando N. Biurrun, Juan J. Cantero, Justo Márquez, Alejandro Quiroga, Raúl E. Quiroga, Marcelo R. Cabido (2023)
Vegetation types of the Arid Chaco in Central-Western Argentina.
Vegetation Classification and Survey4: 167.
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Wolfgang Willner, Idoia Biurrun, Jürgen Dengler, Florian Jansen (2021)
Vegetation Classification and Survey: the first year.
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Alexander Wellenbeck, Lutz Fehrmann, Hannes Feilhauer, Sebastian Schmidtlein, Bernhard Misof, Nils Hein (2024)
Discriminating woody species assemblages from National Forest Inventory data based on phylogeny in Georgia.
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