Isometric feature mapping plot (ISOMAP), based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity of 92 relevés × 601 plant species matrix for those vegetation types that include Trithrinax campestris in central Argentina. Vegetation type codes: 1.1 Celtis tala/Sida rhombifolia closed forest; 1.2 Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco/Prosopis kuntzei open forest; 2.1 Jarava pseudoichu/Vachellia caven open savanna; 2.2 Acalypha variabilis/Nassella cordobensis scrubland. Environmental variables abbreviations: Elev: Elevation; MTCM: Minimum Temperature of Coldest Month; PWeQ: Precipitation of the Wettest Quarter; PS: Precipitation Seasonality, PWeM: Precipitation of the Wettest Month; AP: Annual Precipitation; PDQ: Precipitation of the Driest Quarter; OM: Organic matter. Colours: green, Cluster 1; red, Cluster 2.

  Part of: Zeballos SR, Cabido MR, Cantero JJ, Acosta ATR, Palchetti MV, Argarañaz J, Marcora PI, Tecco PA, Ferreras A, Funes G, Vaieretti VM, Conti G, Giorgis MA (2021) Floristic patterns of the neotropical forests, savannas and scrublands with Trithrinax campestris (Arecaceae) in central Argentina. Vegetation Classification and Survey 2: 5-18.