Representative examples of biomes from South America, showing their classification and nomenclature according to the proposal of this work. A. Belt zonation in the north-eastern Bolivian Andes showing two main altitudinal belts, montane, and high-montane (Cordillera Real, La Paz, 1900 m to 5100 m); B. Tropical montane deciduous thorn woodland and shrubland, Neocardenasia herzogiana-Schinopsis haenkeana community (Interandean dry valleys, Cochabamba, 1890 m); C. Remnants of Tropical montane evergreen seasonal sclerophyllous woodland of Polylepis subtusalbida community in a matrix of seral stages, mainly bunch-grasslands (pajonal) of Festuca dolichophylla, and scattered plantations of Eucalyptus (Cordillera Tiraque, Cochabamba, 3670 m); D. Tropical lowland flooded savanna, Paspalum fasciculatum community (Llanos del Beni, 148 m). (Photos: Gonzalo Navarro).

  Part of: Navarro G, Molina JA (2021) A novel biome concept and classification system based on bioclimate and vegetation – a Neotropical assay. Vegetation Classification and Survey 2: 159-175.