Representative examples of biomes from South America, showing their classification and nomenclature according to the proposal of this work. A. Tropical high-montane cryomorphic open vegetation with Xenophyllum dactilophyllum (Bolivia, La Paz, Cordillera Real, 4900 m); B. Tropical high-montane seasonal bunch-grassland of Festuca orthophylla (Cordillera de Morococala, 4100 m); C. Tropical montane and high-montane evergreen woodland, Weinmannia fagaroides community (Andean Yungas, Bolivia, Cochabamba, 3000 m); D. Tropical lowland deciduous forest and woodland (Coastal central Ecuador, 220 m); E. Tropical high montane evergreen seasonal sclerophyllous-woodland of Polylepis tarapacana (Bolivian Andes, western Oruro, 4400 m); F. Tropical lowland evergreen seasonal sclerophyllous-woodland (Bolivian Cerrado, Santa Cruz, Chiquitanía, 460 m). (Photos: Gonzalo Navarro).

  Part of: Navarro G, Molina JA (2021) A novel biome concept and classification system based on bioclimate and vegetation – a Neotropical assay. Vegetation Classification and Survey 2: 159-175.