Representative examples of biomes from South America, showing their classification and nomenclature according to the proposal of this work. A. Tropical lowland deciduous thorn-woodland and shrubland (central coastal Ecuador, 120 m); B. Tropical high montane xeromorphic shrubland and thicket, Trichocereus atacamensis-Fabiana densa community (Oruro, Bolivia 3700 m); C. Tropical high-montane desert with Acantholippia punensis-Atriplex imbricata community (northern piedmont of Ollagüe Volcano, Atacama Puna, Potosí, Bolivia, 3820 m); D. Tropical low montane hyperdesert (Lima, Perú, 760 m); E. Tropical lowland evergreen flooded forest (Amazonian Várzea, Río Beni, Pando, Bolivia, 120 m). (Photos: Gonzalo Navarro).

  Part of: Navarro G, Molina JA (2021) A novel biome concept and classification system based on bioclimate and vegetation – a Neotropical assay. Vegetation Classification and Survey 2: 159-175.