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Recommendations on published proposals
(17*) To conserve the name Berberidion Braun-Blanquet 1950 with a conserved type and against Prunion spinosae Soó 1931. Modified version of the proposal published in Willner et al. (2011). Votes: 4 pro, 1 contra (recommended)
(20) To conserve the name Aceretalia pseudoplatani Moor 1976 against Tilietalia Moor 1973. Proposed by Willner (2015). Votes: 4 pro, 0 contra, 1 abstention (recommended)
(21) To conserve the name Festucetalia valesiacae Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Br.-Bl. 1950 against Festucetalia Soó 1940. Proposed by Terzi et al. (2017). Votes: 1 pro, 4 contra (not recommended)
(21*) To conserve the name Festucetalia valesiacae Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Br.-Bl. 1950 with a conserved type and against Festucetalia Soó 1940. Modified version of the proposal by Terzi et al. (2017). Votes: 3 pro, 2 contra (recommended)
Author contributions
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