Traditional agroecosystem landscapes of the Rif Mountains (Morocco): (A) traditional cereal crops with almond trees inside the fields at Bou Ahmed; (B) cereal crops mixed with traditional olive orchads at Bellota; (C) a mixture of soft wheat and traditional olive groves in hillside fields at Boujediane; (D) mosaic of cereal crops and natural ecosystems (Cork oak) on erosion-prone slopes at Jnan Annich; (E) traditional agroecosystems corresponding to a bocage landscape at Tafza; (F) traditional cereal fields in agroforestry systems of mountains at Tanakoub.

  Part of: Chakkour S, Bergmeier E, Meyer S, Kassout J, Kadiri M, Ater M (2023) Plant diversity in traditional agroecosystems of North Morocco. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4: 31-45.