Representation of real and virtual areas of the 9 biomes across latitude and altitude in profiles of the continents. A and B are North South profiles from the western side of the continents (A The Americas from the Pacific; B Europe and Africa from the Atlantic), and C and D are profiles from the eastern side (C The the Americas from the Atlantic; D Asia and Australasia from the Pacific). E Represents a transect in the middle of the Asian continent, continued with the profile of Africa from the Indian Ocean. Inland the colors are darker than in the air, where they only represent a virtual area. 1 Tundra; 2 Boreal forest; 3 Temperate deciduous forest; 4 Temperate pluvial evergreen forest, shrublands and grasslands; 5 Temperate aridiestival evergreen forests and shrublands; 6 Steppes; 7 Deserts and semi-deserts of arid regions; 8 Tropical pluviseasonal forests and shrublands; 9 Tropical rain forests.