DCA ordination: A) 202 relevés and 249 plant species recorded in natural vegetation of the BRP, showing two clusters along axis 1: G1: Wetland group of vegetation; G2: Dryland group of vegetation; B) partial ordination of G1 (73 relevés and 177 plant species recorded in riparian forests and floodplains in the BRP), showing six plant associations: G1.1: Hyparrhenio glabriusculae-Mitragynetum inermis; G1.2: Terminalio macropterae-Mitragynetum inermis; G1.3: Sorghastro bipennati-Vachellietum hockii; G1.4: Brachiario jubatae-Terminalietum macropterae; G1.5: Borassetum aethiopi; G1.6: Coletum laurifoliae. C) Partial ordination of G2 (129 relevés and 206 plant species recorded in tree and shrub savannas in the BRP), showing five associations and two plant communities. G2.1: Terminalietum leiocarpae; G2.2: Andropogono gayani-Combretetum glutinosi; G2.3: Plant community of Crossopteryx febrifuga; G2.4: Andropogono gayani-Terminalietum avicennioidis; G2.5: Plant community of Vitellaria paradoxa and Andropogon gayanus; G2.6: Burkeo africanae-Detarietum microcarpi; G2.7: Andropogono gayani-Senegalietum dudgeonii.

  Part of: Assèdé ESP, Biaou SSH, Orou H, Oumorou M, Geldenhuys CJ, Chirwa PW, Sinsin B (2023) Ecological and structural differentiation of the Sudanian woodlands in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari, Benin. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4: 139-165. https://doi.org/10.3897/VCS.91126