Sorghastro bipennati-Vachellietum hockii. a) Photo of tree savanna of Sorghastro bipennati-Vachellietum hockii located on floodplain; b) Life form spectra; c) Chorological spectra. Therophytes (Th), Hemicryptophytes (Hec), Geophytes (Ge), Chameophytes (Ch), Phanerophytes (Ph), Liana phanerophytes (LPh), Cosmopolitan (Cos), Pantropical (Pan), Paleotropical (Pal), Afro-American (Aam), Sudano-Zambesian (SZ), Sudano-Guinean (SG), Afrotropical (AT), Pluri-regional African species (PA), Guineo-Congolian species (GC), Sudanian species (S).

  Part of: Assèdé ESP, Biaou SSH, Orou H, Oumorou M, Geldenhuys CJ, Chirwa PW, Sinsin B (2023) Ecological and structural differentiation of the Sudanian woodlands in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari, Benin. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4: 139-165.