Temperate oceanic lowland woodland and grassland geocomplex. 1. Thorn woodland & shrubland: Celtis tala-Geoffroea decorticans-Jodina rhombifolia communities. Remanents of Pampa zonal potential natural vegetation, on well-drained sandy soils (“LOMA”). 2. Not flooded Pampa grassland: Piptochaetium montevidense-Nassella neesiana communities. Medium-drained mesophytic soils (Gleyic Chernozems) (“SEMILOMA”). 3. Flooded Pampa grasslands: Danthonia montevidensis-Paspalum vaginatum communities. Wet hygrophytic soils (Stagnic chernozems) (“BAJO”). 4. Reedbed marshland: Schoenoplectus californicus communities. 5. Saline grassland & thicket: Spartina densiflora-Sarcocornia neei communities. Halophyllous lacustrine and palustrine vegetation of estuarine coastal marshes. Graphic geobotanical interpretation based on our field transect data and cited references.