Tawhirihoe Scientific Reserve. A) Spinifex Foredune Community, dominated by Spinifex sericeus, with a small, orange patch of Ficinia spiralis near centre top; Image: June 2008. B) Oioi Rushland, dominated by Apodasmia similis in standing water, with Marram Duneland in the background; May 2015. C) Prostrate shrubs of Coprosma acerosa amongst tufts of Ficinia nodosa from community Marram Duneland, on the rear of the foredunes; March 2022. D) Exotic Grassland in the mid-ground, dominated by flowering plants of the alien grass Arrhenatherum elatius, behind small clumps of restiad Apodasmia similis, and with a sward of Goodenia heenanii in Turfed Wetland in the foreground, disturbed by motor bikes; March 2019. Images: Jill Rapson.