Vegetation change over time at Tawhirihoe Reserve. A) Marram turret being undercut by an inland movement of the Rangitikei River mouth; note four juvenile Homo sapiens for scale; March 2007. B) Restoration planting of Spinifex to form a new foredune where movement of the Rangitkei River mouth has exposed fresh sand in front of an earlier restoration planting of a marram foredune; August 2008. C) The site of Wetland 1 inundated in a wet winter, backed by Oioi Rushland, and surrounded by dunes vegetated with alien shrubs, including Lupinus arboreus in the foreground and Acacia sophorae in the background; October 2022. D) Looking across Wetland 2 towards Wetland 6 in an area formerly in Oioi Rushland, Marram Duneland and Stone Plain, showing aliens to ≈ 70% cover; October 2022. Images: Jill Rapson.