Typical representations of the vegetation units. (a) unit 7, the Thornbush savanna – Nama-Karoo transition, (b) unit 8, the Aristida congesta-Senegalia mellifera thornbush savanna, (c) unit 9, the Senegalia mellifera-Dichrostachys cinerea degraded thornbush savanna, (d) unit 10, the Schmidtia kalahariensis-Rhigozum trichotomum arid thornbush savanna; (e) unit 11, the Combretum collinum-Terminalia sericea broad-leafed savanna; and (f) unit 12, the Eragrostis rigidior-Peltophorum africanum mesic thornbush savanna. Photo credit: (a) Johanna Nghishiko, (b) Ben Strohbach, (c–f) Leena Naftal.

  Part of: Naftal L, De Cauwer V, Strohbach BJ (2024) Potential distribution of major plant units under climate change scenarios along an aridity gradient in Namibia. Vegetation Classification and Survey 5: 127-151. https://doi.org/10.3897/VCS.99050