Research Paper |
Corresponding author: Corrado Marcenò ( ) Academic editor: Federico Fernández-González
© 2024 Corrado Marcenò, Jiří Danihelka, Tetiana Dziuba, Wolfgang Willner, Milan Chytrý.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Marcenò C, Danihelka J, Dziuba T, Willner W, Chytrý M (2024) Nomenclatural revision of the syntaxa of European coastal dune vegetation. Vegetation Classification and Survey 5: 27-37.
This manuscript provides a review of the phytosociological nomenclature of the European syntaxa included in the classes Ammophiletea arundinaceae, Honckenyo peploidis-Elymetea arenarii, and Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis. The nomenclature has been refined and updated following the 4th edition of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN). In the Appendix, we submit two proposals (37, 38) to conserve the names Ammophilion arundinaceae
Taxonomic reference: see references in the main text.
Syntaxonomic reference: see references in the main text.
Abbreviations: EVCC = European Vegetation Classification Committee; ICPN = 4th edition of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (
coastal dune, Europe, nomenclature, nomen conservandum, plant community, syntaxonomy, vegetation
A revision of the classification of shifting and stable coastal dune vegetation in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin was published by
In October 2019, a proposal to change the EuroVegChecklist classification of the classes Ammophiletea, Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae and Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis was submitted to the European Vegetation Classification Committee (EVCC), a body established by the Working Group European Vegetation Survey of the International Association for Vegetation Science ( The proposal was evaluated according to the EVCC procedures ( and eventually approved (
Syntaxon names were revised after reviewing the original diagnoses and descriptions in the original publications. The name-giving taxa (usually species) were checked and, where necessary, replaced with correct names (nomina correcta; Art. 44) or names in current use (nomina mutata; Art. 45), taking into account the taxonomic concepts and nomenclature of the most relevant recent floras and checklists (
The information for each syntaxon contains the synonyms, the original form of the syntaxon name, the name-giving taxa for both the original and modified syntaxon names and the nomenclatural typus. Since the choice of the correct taxon name is based on the priority principle (
We adopt the following names for the syntaxa of European coastal dune vegetation:
Ammophiletea arundinaceae Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen ex
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon: Ammophila arenaria subsp. arundinacea (Husn.) H. Lindb. 1932
Typus: Ammophiletalia
Ammophiletalia arundinaceae
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon: Ammophila arenaria subsp. arundinacea (Husn.) H. Lindb. 1932 [Note:
Typus: Ammophilion arundinaceae
Ammophilion arundinaceae
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon: Ammophila arenaria subsp. arundinacea (Husn.) H. Lindb. 1932 [Note:
Typus: Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum arenariae
Synonym: Ammophilion arenariae
The nomenclature of this alliance is discussed in Appendix 1.
Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum arundinaceae
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa: Medicago marina L. 1753, Ammophila arenaria subsp. arundinacea (Husn.) H. Lindb. 1932 [Note:
Synonyms: Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum arenariae
The nomenclature of this association is discussed in Appendix 1.
Crucianelletalia maritimae
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon: Crucianella maritima L. 1753
Typus: Crucianellion maritimae Rivas Goday et Rivas-Martínez 1958 (automatic type, Art. 20)
Ononidion ramosissimae
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon: Ononis ramosissima Desf. 1798
Typus: Crucianelletum maritimae
Synonym: Crucianellion maritimae Rivas Goday et Rivas-Martínez 1958
This syntaxon name was considered invalid by various authors.
Diantho attenuati-Scrophularion caninae Baudière et Simonneau 1974 nom. corr. et mut. Marcenò et al. nom. mut. nov.
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Dianthus pyrenaicus subsp. catalaunicus (Willk. et Costa 1860) Tutin 1963, Scrophularia humifusa Timb.-Lagr. et Gaut. 1875
Name-giving taxa of the corrected and mutated syntaxon name: Dianthus pyrenaicus subsp. attenuatus (Sm. 1794) M. Bernal et al. 1988, Scrophularia canina L. 1753
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Scrophularia canina: Castroviejo et al. (
Typus: Diantho attenuati-Corynephoretum canescentis Baudière et Simonneau 1974 (holotypus)
Synonyms: Diantho catalaunici-Scrophularion humifusae Baudière et Simonneau ex Géhu et Bournique 1992
As noticed by
Scrophularia humifusa Timb.-Lagr. et Gaut. is considered as a synonym of S. canina L. in the current taxonomic literature. Therefore, we propose a mutation of the association name. Castroviejo et al. (
Diantho attenuati-Corynephoretum canescentis Baudière et Simonneau 1974 nom. corr.
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Dianthus pyrenaicus subsp. catalaunicus (Willk. et Costa) Tutin 1963, Corynephorus canescens (L.) P. Beauv. 1812
Name-giving taxa of the corrected syntaxon name: Dianthus pyrenaicus subsp. attenuatus (Sm. 1794) M. Bernal et al. 1988, Corynephorus canescens (L.) P. Beauv. 1812
Helichryso barrelieri-Centaureion spinosae Mucina et Dimopoulos in
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa: Helichrysum stoechas subsp. barrelieri (Ten.) Nyman 1879, Centaurea spinosa L. 1753
Typus: Thymbro capitatae-Centaureetum spinosae
The type chosen by Mucina and Dimopoulos is an illegitimate name (see Art. 43, Example 1). The correct name of the association is Medicagini marinae-Centaureetum spinosae (see below). However, this does not affect the legitimacy of the alliance name (Art. 17, Note 1).
Medicagini marinae-Centaureetum spinosae Géhu in
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Medicago marina L., Stachys spinosa L.
Name-giving taxa of the corrected syntaxon name: Medicago marina L., Centaurea spinosa L.
Typus: Géhu et al. (
Synonym: Thymbro capitatae-Centaureetum spinosae
The name Medicagini marinae-Stachyetum spinosae published in
Centaureo cuneifoliae-Verbascion pinnatifidi Brullo in
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa: Centaurea cuneifolia Sm. 1813 (subsp. cuneifolia), Verbascum pinnatifidum Vahl 1791
Typus: Sileno subconicae-Ephedretum distachyae Oberdorfer 1952 (holotypus)
Helichrysion picardii (Rivas-Martínez, Costa et Izco in
Corresponding suballiance: Helichrysenion picardii Rivas-Martínez, Costa et Izco in
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon: Helichrysum picardii Boiss. et Reut. 1859
Typus: Artemisio crithmifoliae-Armerietum pungentis Rivas Goday et Rivas-Martínez 1958 (holotypus)
Artemisio crithmifoliae-Armerietum pungentis Rivas Goday et Rivas-Martínez 1958
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa: Artemisia crithmifolia L. 1753, Armeria pungens (Link) Hoffmanns. et Link 1813
In Flora Iberica (
Leymetalia racemosi
Original form of the name (
Correct name: Elymetalia racemosi
Name-giving taxon of the original syntaxon name: Elymus giganteus Vahl 1794
Name-giving taxon of the corrected and mutated syntaxon name: Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvelev 1960 (≡ Elymus racemosus Lam. 1792)
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Leymus racemosus:
Typus: Elymion gigantei
Synonyms: Elymetalia gigantei
The name Elymetalia gigantei
Leymion racemosi
Original form of the name (
Correct name: Elymion racemosi
Name-giving taxon of the original syntaxon name: Elymus giganteus Vahl 1794
Name-giving taxon of the corrected and mutated syntaxon name: Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvelev 1960 (≡ Elymus racemosus Lam. 1792)
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Leymus racemosus:
Typus: Elymetum gigantei
Synonyms: Elymion gigantei
Leymetum racemosi
Original form of the name (
Correct name: Elymetum racemosi
Name-giving taxon of the original syntaxon name: Elymus giganteus Vahl 1794
Name-giving taxa of the corrected and mutated syntaxon name: Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvelev 1960 (≡ Elymus racemosus Lam. 1792)
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Leymus racemosus:
Synonyms: Elymetum gigantei
Sileno thymifoliae-Jurineion kilaeae Géhu et Uslu ex Mucina in
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa: Silene thymifolia Sm. 1809, Jurinea kilaea Azn. 1897
Typus: Stachyo subcrenatae-Centaureetum kilaeae Géhu et Uslu 1989 (holotypus)
Lomelosion ucranicae Boscaiu 1975 mut. Marcenò et al. nom. mut. nov.
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon of the original syntaxon name: Scabiosa ucranica L. 1762
Name-giving taxon of the mutated syntaxon name: Lomelosia ucranica (L.) Soják 1987
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Scabiosa ucranica:
Typus: Carici colchicae-Ephedretum distachyae Prodan ex Morariu 1959 (holotypus)
Synonym: Scabiosion ucranicae Boscaiu 1975
Although various floras and checklists (e.g.,
Cynodonto dactyli-Teucrion polii Korzhenevskii et Klyukin ex Korzhenevskii et Kvitnytskaya in
Name-giving taxa: Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. 1805, Teucrium polium L. 1753
Typus: Сynodonto dactyli-Ajugetum chiae Korzhenevskii et Klyukin ex Korzhenevskii et Kvitnytskaya in
Synonym: Cynodonto-Teucrion polii Korzhenevskii et Klyukin 1990 (Art. 2a)
The alliance Cynodonto-Teucrion polii and association Cynodonto dactyli-Ajugetum were validated by
Сynodonto dactyli-Ajugetum chiae Korzhenevskii et Klyukin ex Korzhenevskii et Kvitnytskaya in
Name-giving taxa: Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. 1805, Ajuga chamaepitys subsp. chia (Schreb.) Arcang. 1882
Synonym: Сynodonto-Ajugetum chiae Korzhenevskii et Klyukin 1990 (Art. 3i)
Honckenyo peploidis-Leymetea arenarii
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Honckenya peploides (L.) Ehrh. 1783, Elymus arenarius L. 1753
Name-giving taxon of the mutated syntaxon name: Honckenya peploides (L.) Ehrh. 1783, Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst. 1848
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the names Honckenya peploides and Leymus arenarius: Euro+Med PlantBase (
Typus: Honckenyo-Elymetalia arenarii
Leymetalia arenarii Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952 mut. Marcenò et al. nom. mut. nov.
Original form of the name (
Correct name: Elymetalia arenarii Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952
Name-giving taxon of the original syntaxon name: Elymus arenarius L. 1753
Name-giving taxon of the mutated syntaxon name: Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst. 1848
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Leymus arenarius:
Typus: Agropyro-Minuartion peploidis Tüxen in Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952: 248 (lectotypus hoc loco)
Synonyms: Honckenyo-Elymetalia arenarii
The order Elymetalia arenarii was validly described by
Elytrigio boreoatlanticae - Honckenyion peploidis Tüxen in Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952 mut. Marcenò et al. nom. mut. nov.
Original form of the name (
Correct name: Agropyro boreoatlantici-Minuartion peploidis Tüxen in Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Agropyron junceum subsp. boreoatlanticum Simonet et Guin. 1938, Minuartia peploides (L.) Hiern 1899
Name-giving taxa of the mutated syntaxon name: Elytrigia juncea subsp. boreoatlantica (Simonet et Guin.) Hyl. 1953, Honckenya peploides (L.) Ehrh. 1783
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the names Elytrigia juncea subsp. boreoatlantica and Honckenya peploides:
Typus: Euphorbio-Agropyretum juncei Tüxen in Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952 (holotypus)
Euphorbio paraliae-Elytrigietum boreoatlanticae Tüxen in Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952 mut. Marcenò et al. nom. mut. nov.
Original form of the name (
Correct name: Euphorbio paraliae-Agropyretum juncei Tüxen in Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Euphorbia paralias L. 1753, Agropyron junceum subsp. boreoatlanticum Simonet et Guin. 1938
Name-giving taxa of the mutated syntaxon name: Euphorbia paralias L. 1753, Elytrigia juncea subsp. boreoatlantica (Simonet et Guin.) Hyl. 1953
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the names Euphorbia paralias and Elytrigia juncea subsp. boreoatlantica:
In the original diagnosis of the Euphorbio-Agropyretum juncei, which contains relevés from Ireland,
Leymion arenarii
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon of the original syntaxon name: Elymus arenarius L. 1753
Name-giving taxon of the mutated syntaxon name: Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst. 1848
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Leymus arenarius:
Typus: Festucetum rubrae
Festucetum arenariae
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon of the original syntaxon name: Festuca rubra L. 1753
Name-giving taxon of the mutated syntaxon name: Festuca arenaria Osbeck 1788
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Festuca arenaria:
The taxon name Festuca rubra used by
Mertensio maritimae-Honckenyion diffusae Tüxen et Géhu in
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa: Mertensia maritima (L.) Gray 1821, Honckenya maritima var. diffusa (≡ Honckenya peploides subsp. diffusa (Hornem.) Hultén 1937)
Typus: Honckenyo diffusae-Leymetum arenarii Tüxen 1960 (holotypus)
Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis Klika in Klika et Novák 1941
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa: Koeleria glauca (Schrad.) DC. 1813; Corynephorus canescens (L.) P. Beauv. 1812
Typus: Corynephoretalia Klika 1934 (lectotypus selected by
Artemisio crithmifoliae-Koelerietalia albescentis
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Artemisia lloydii Rouy 1903, Koeleria albescens DC. 1813
Name-giving taxa of the corrected syntaxon name: Artemisia crithmifolia L. 1753, Koeleria albescens DC. 1813
Typus: Euphorbio portlandicae-Helichrysion stoechadis Géhu et Tüxen ex
The correct name for “Artemisia lloydii” at the species level is Artemisia crithmifolia L. In Flora Iberica (
Euphorbio portlandicae-Helichrysion stoechadis Géhu et Tüxen ex
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa: Euphorbia portlandica L. 1753, Helichrysum stoechas (L.) Moench 1794
Typus: Artemisio lloydii-Ephedretum Géhu et Sissingh in
Artemisio crithmifoliae-Ephedretum distachyae Géhu et Sissingh in
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Artemisia lloydii Rouy 1903, Ephedra distachya L. 1753
Name-giving taxa of the corrected syntaxon name: Artemisia crithmifolia L. 1753, Ephedra distachya L. 1753
The correct name for “Artemisia lloydii” at the species level is Artemisia crithmifolia L. In Flora Iberica (
Koelerion arenariae
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxon of the original syntaxon name: Koeleria albescens DC. 1813
Name-giving taxon of the mutated syntaxon name: Koeleria arenaria (Dumort.) Conert 1987
Typus: Tortulo-Phleetum Braun-Blanquet et De Leeuw ex
The association Tortulo-Phleetum was validly published by Braun-Blanquet and De Leeuw (
According to
Syntrichio ruraliformis-Phleetum arenarii Braun-Blanquet et De Leeuw 1936 mut. Marcenò et al. nom. mut. nov.
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Tortula ruraliformis (Besch.) W. Ingham 1903, Phleum arenarium L. 1753
Name-giving taxa of the mutated syntaxon name: Syntrichia ruraliformis (Besch.) Mans 1904, Phleum arenarium L. 1753
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Syntrichia ruraliformis:
Typus: Braun-Blanquet and De Leeuw (
Syntrichio ruraliformis-Lomelosion argenteae Biondi, Sburlino et Theurillat in
Name-giving taxa: Syntrichia ruraliformis (Besch.) Mans, Lomelosia argentea (L.) Greuter et Burdet 1985
Typus: Tortulo-Scabiosetum
Syntrichio ruraliformis-Lomelosietum argenteae
Original form of the name (
Name-giving taxa of the original syntaxon name: Tortula ruralis subsp. ruraliformis (Besch.) T. Barker 1900, Scabiosa argentea L. 1753 var. alba
Name-giving taxa of the mutated syntaxon name: Syntrichia ruraliformis (Besch.) Mans 1904, Lomelosia argentea (L.) Greuter et Burdet 1985
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Syntrichia ruraliformis:
Authoritative taxonomic treatments that use the name Lomelosia argentea:
CM and MC planned the research, JD reviewed taxonomic and nomenclature treatment, CM, MC and WW wrote the manuscript, and all authors critically revised syntaxonomic and nomenclatural treatment.
JD and MC were supported by the Czech Science Foundation (project no. 19-28491X); JD was also partly supported by the Czech Academy of Sciences (long-term research development project no. RVO 67985939). We discussed some nomenclatural issues with Jean-Paul Theurillat, Rafaël Govaerts and Alexander Sennikov; we appreciate their help though we did not follow all their opinions. We express our gratitude to Federico Fernández-González for helpful comments on this manuscript.
(37) Ammophilion arundinaceae
Typus = typus of the Ammophilion arenariae
(≡) Ammophilion arenariae
Typus: Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum arenariae
The alliance “Ammophilion” was validly published by
In 1933, Braun-Blanquet changed the name of the type association to “Ass. á Ammophila arundinacea et Medicago marina Br.-Bl. (1921) 1933” (
The formal independence of the names published by Braun-Blanquet in 1921 and 1933 leads to the paradoxical situation that a mutation of the older name Ammophilion arenariae
The name Ammophilion arundinaceae was already used by
(38) Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum arundinaceae
Typus = typus of the Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum arenariae
(≡) Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum arenariae
The original diagnosis of Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum arenariae
Both association names (the one from 1921 and the one from 1933) must be inverted because Ammophila has a higher cover in the type relevé than Medicago marina (3 versus 2) (Art. 42).
Ammophiletea arundinaceae Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen ex
Ammophiletalia arundinaceae
Ammophilion arundinaceae
Medicagini marinae-Ammophiletum arundinaceae
Crucianelletalia maritimae
Ononidion ramosissimae
Diantho attenuati-Scrophularion humifusae Baudière et Simonneau 1974 nom. corr. et mut. Marcenò et al. 2024
Diantho attenuati-Corynephoretum canescentis Baudière et Simonneau 1974 nom. corr.
Helichryso barrelieri-Centaureion spinosae Mucina et Dimopoulos in
Medicagini marinae-Centaureetum spinosae Géhu in
Centaureo cuneifoliae-Verbascion pinnatifidi Brullo in
Helichrysion picardii (Rivas-Martínez, Costa et Izco in
Artemisio crithmifoliae-Armerietum pungentis
Leymetalia racemosi
Leymion racemosi
Leymetum racemosi
Sileno thymifoliae-Jurineion kilaeae Géhu et Uslu ex Mucina in
Lomelosion ucranicae Boscaiu 1975 mut. Marcenò et al. 2024
Cynodonto dactyli-Teucrion polii Korzhenevskii et Klyukin ex Korzhenevskii et Kvitnytskaya in
Сynodonto dactyli-Ajugetum chiae Korzhenevskii et Klyukin ex Korzhenevskii et Kvitnytskaya in
Honckenyo peploidis-Leymetea arenarii
Leymetalia arenarii Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952 mut. Marcenò et al. 2024
Elytrigio boreoatlanticae-Honckenyion peploidis Tüxen in Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952 mut. Marcenò et al. 2024
Euphorbio paraliae-Elytrigietum boreoatlanticae Tüxen in Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen 1952 mut. Marcenò et al. 2024
Leymion arenarii Christiansen 1927 mut. Marcenò et al. 2024
Festucetum arenariae
Mertensio maritimae-Honckenyion diffusae Tüxen et Géhu in
Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis Klika in Klika et Novák 1941
Artemisio crithmifoliae-Koelerietalia albescentis
Euphorbio portlandicae-Helichrysion stoechadis Géhu et Tüxen ex
Artemisio crithmifoliae-Ephedretum distachyae Géhu et Sissingh in
Koelerion arenariae
Syntrichio ruraliformis-Phleetum arenarii Braun-Blanquet et De Leeuw 1936 mut. Marcenò et al. 2024
Syntrichio ruraliformis-Lomelosion argenteae Biondi, Sburlino et Theurillat in
Syntrichio ruraliformis-Lomelosietum argenteae