Nomenclatural Proposal |
Corresponding author: Federico Fernández-González ( ) Academic editor: Wolfgang Willner
© 2023 Federico Fernández-González, Massimo Terzi, Romeo Di Pietro, Jean-Paul Theurillat.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Fernández-González F, Terzi M, Di Pietro R, Theurillat J-P (2023) Proposals (33–34) to conserve the name Poo-Astragalion and to conserve the name Poo-Astragaletum sesamei with a conserved type, and requests (5–7) for a binding decision on the name-giving taxa in the same names and the inversion of the name Poo-Astragaletum sesamei. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4: 203-207.
The alliance name Poo-Astragalion has been widely used by Iberian phytosociologists for nearly fifty years to indicate a type of sheep pastures thriving on base-rich substrates. This alliance is currently classified in the order Poetalia bulbosae and class Poetea bulbosae. However, the revision of its original diagnosis highlights that this alliance name must be considered as an alternative name to the largely disused name Medicagini-Brachypodion distachyi. In order to stabilize the nomenclature, we propose the conservation of the traditionally used name Poo-Astragalion. On the other hand, the type association of the alliance (Poo-Astragaletum sesamei) turns out to be a superfluous name for another association neglected in the syntaxonomical literature, the Astragalo scorpioidis-Medicaginetum truncatulae. Hence, with the same objective of stabilizing the nomenclature, we propose the designation of a conserved neotype for the Poo-Astragaletum sesamei and the conservation of this name against the earlier heterotypic synonym in case of union of both associations. At the same time, we propose to complete the two names Poo-Astragalion and Poo-Astragaletum sesamei by selecting Poa bulbosa and Astragalus sesameus as the name-giving taxa, and to invert the name Poo-Astragaletum in accordance with its neotype (Astragalo sesamei-Poetum bulbosae).
(33) Poo-Astragalion Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970: 165–169, nom. cons. propos.
Typus: Poo-Astragaletum sesamei Rivas-Goday et Ladero 1970: 166–170 (holotypus).
(≡) Medicagini-Brachypodion distachyi Rivas-Goday et Rivas-Martínez in Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970: 165–166 (alternative name) [original form: “Medicago-Brachypodion”]
(34) Poo-Astragaletum sesamei Rivas-Goday et Ladero 1970: 166–170, nom. cons. et typus cons. propos. [original forms: “Poo-Astragaletum”, ”Poeto-Astragaletum sesamei”]
Typus cons. propos.: neotypus hoc loco (see below).
(=) Astragalo scorpioidis-Medicaginetum truncatulae Rivas Goday et Borja 1959 nom. corr. [original form: Astragalo scorpioidis-Medicaginetum tribuloidis nom. inept. (
Taxonomic reference:
Syntaxonomic reference:
Abbreviations: EVC = EuroVegChecklist (
conserved name, conserved type, Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean grasslands, nomenclature, phytosociology, Poetea bulbosae, Poo-Astragaletum sesamei, Poo-Astragalion
The original diagnosis of the association Poo-Astragaletum sesamei Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970 (
We propose to conserve the name Poo-Astragalion Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970 against its alternative name Medicagini-Brachypodion distachyi Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970, and the name Poo-Astragaletum sesamei Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970 against the heterotypic name Astragalo scorpioidis-Medicaginetum truncatulae Rivas Goday et Borja 1959 nom. corr. The second proposal is complemented by the designation of a conserved type for the Poo-Astragaletum sesamei Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970 that must be a neotype because the original diagnosis of the association consists of synoptic tables. Although the authors do not indicate which subassociation should be considered typical, the word “tipo” appears in the heading of table 3 before the list of localities of the subassociation astragaletosum stellae, that is described in the text as “very classic in Miocene marls …” [translated from Spanish]. Hence, we select a neotype from one of the localities cited for this subassociation and fitting as much as possible its floristic combination.
Poo-Astragaletum sesamei Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970, typus cons. propos. (neotypus hoc loco). Site: Seseña, Valdemajadas, province of Toledo, Spain; geographical coordinates (WGS84): -3.64694°W, 40.07389°N; altitude: 570 m a.s.l.; slope: 0°; aspect: NE; plot size: 5 m2; substrate: Miocene greyish marls; date: 13.06.2005; total vegetation cover: 85%; author: F. Fernández-González.
Poa bulbosa 3, Astragalus stella 2, Medicago minima 2, Leontodon saxatilis subsp. rothii 2, Astragalus sesameus 1, Medicago truncatula 1, Parentucellia latifolia 1, Plantago albicans 1, Plantago lagopus 1, Asterolinon linum-stellatum 1, Linum strictum 1, Helianthemum angustatum 1, Neatostema apulum 1, Aegilops geniculata 1, Trigonella polyceratia +, Convolvulus lineatus +, Filago pyramidata +, Brachypodium distachyon +, Valerianella coronata +, Scandix australis +, Hedypnois rhagadioloides +, Rostraria cristata +, Helianthemum salicifolium +, Sherardia arvensis +, Bombycilaena discolor +, Xeranthemum inapertum +, Bromus rubens +, Lagoecia cuminoides +, Geranium molle +, Vulpia ciliata +.
The names Poo-Astragalion and Poo-Astragaletum sesamei have been inverted and completed with species epithets by many Iberian authors (e.g.,
Despite there are six Astragalus species in the original diagnosis (table 3), only A. sesameus is considered by Rivas Goday and Ladero as a character species of both the association and the alliance, and it is in fact the most frequent species of the genus and the name-giving taxon of the association (
Lastly, in the selected conserved neotype for the Poo-Astragaletum sesamei, Poa bulbosa is more abundant than Astragalus sesameus. Therefore, if the proposal is approved, the inversion of the name according to Art. 10b would be justified. We revised several unpublished relevés from the localities indicated in the original diagnosis of the subassociation astragaletosum stellae and found that usually Poa bulbosa is the dominant species, although the aggregate cover of legume species is often higher. There are also some relevés in which the dominant plants are Plantago albicans or Convolvulus lineatus, but these must probably be referred to another association (Plantagini albicantis-Convolvuletum lineati Rivas-Martínez, Cantó et Sánchez-Mata in
According to Art. 10b, the alliance name cannot be inverted because Poa bulbosa and Astragalus sesameus belong to the same stratum. For the sake of nomenclatural coherence and clarity it might be desirable that the alliance and its type association have the same sequence of name-giving taxa, but such precept is not ruled in the ICPN. In fact, Art. 20 recognizes that a higher syntaxon and a next subordinate syntaxon may have the same name-giving taxa in a different sequence. In our case, there are two possible ways for the harmonization of the alliance and association names. First, to reject the inversion of the association name, invoking Recommendation 42A to conserve the original sequence of name-giving taxa against the inverted form that would be mandatory according to Art. 10b. Second, to invoke Recommendation 42A for the conservation of the inverted form of the alliance name. Both options have pros and cons. Regarding the former option, the rationale for the inversion according to Art. 10b has been exposed in detail above, although it cannot be excluded that in the never published relevés composing the synoptic tables of
(5) selection of the name-giving taxa Poa bulbosa and Astragalus sesameus in the name Poo-Astragalion Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970 (Recommendation 10C, Art. 40b)
(6) selection of the name-giving taxon Poa bulbosa in the name Poo-Astragaletum sesamei Rivas Goday et Ladero 1970 (Recommendation 10C, Art. 40b)
(7) inversion of the name Poo-Astragaletum sesamei Rivas Goday et Ladero (Arts. 10b, 42)
All authors performed the nomenclatural analysis, discussed the nomenclatural problems, debated the proposed solutions, and critically revised the manuscript.
We appreciate the valuable advice provided by an anonymous reviewer and the editor Wolfgang Willner. FFG is funded by the Plan Propio for Research of the University of Castilla-La Mancha.