Research Paper |
Corresponding author: Alejandro Velazquez ( ) Academic editor: Melisa A. Giorgis
© 2024 Fernando Gopar-Merino, Alejandro Velazquez, Alejandro González-Pérez, Sara del Río, Jean F. Mas, Ángel Penas.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Gopar-Merino F, Velazquez A, González-Pérez A, del Río S, Mas JF, Penas Ángel (2024) A coupled cartographic approach between bioclimatology and vegetation formations of Mexico. Vegetation Classification and Survey 5: 153-164.
Aims: The task of classifying and naming Mexican vegetation types has been undertaken by previous botanists, ecologists, and mapping agencies. However, discrepancies remain due to the lack of criteria and joint efforts from a geographical and botanical perspective. We aim to unravel the complex interactions between climate and vegetation in Mexico using climatic data and advanced mapping techniques, display in maps the transition from land cover to vegetation maps and couple geobotanical and bioclimatological approaches to provide a sound, unified system for identifying Mexican bioclimatic physiognomic patterns. Methods: Bioclimatic mapping was developed from the Digital Climatic Atlas of Mexico data source. In addition, land cover and vegetation data were obtained from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico regrouped as described by the Standardized Hierarchical Vegetation Classification. These data were analysed via standard map crossing technics using geographic information systems. Results and conclusions: The results revealed five ombrotypes and five thermotypes, leading to the identification of 13 different bioclimatic classes, which, when combined with physiognomic types, led us to recognize 11 forests, 3 shrublands and 3 herbaceous formations (at a scale of 1:4,000,000). The core outcome is a detailed bioclimatic/physiognomic vegetation map including forests, shrublands and areas dominated by Herbaceous/Non-Vascular formations. The map highlights the critical importance of harmonising methodologies to ensure comprehensive and accurate insights into Mexico’s bioclimatic diversity.
Taxonomic reference:
Syntaxonomic reference:
Abbreviations: INEGI = Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía; SECLAVEMEX = Standardized Hierarchical Vegetation Classification; WBCS = Worldwide Bioclimatic Classification System.
bioclimatology, geobotanical approach, land use, mapping techniques, Mexico, sustainable management, vegetation classification
The study of vegetation, ranging from its traditional use in medicinal practices (
Over the past decade, we have witnessed the accumulation of vast amounts of information on vegetation. Nonetheless, data coverage and quality can vary significantly between regions, affecting the ability to fully classify vegetation types. Some countries, benefiting from initiatives such as the European Vegetation Archive database with its comprehensive data coverage, have been able to achieve more detailed classifications of vegetation types (
Naturalists and scientists have long acknowledged the profound influence of climate on the distribution, behaviour, and adaptation of diverse species (
Pioneers in this field, including notable scientists such as Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Troll, explored the intricate links between climate and vegetation (
The study of vegetation patterns is critical as nations grapple with imminent threats such as habitat loss, climate change, and resource overexploitation (
Mexico is acknowledged as a megadiverse nation (
Mexico holds extensive phytotaxonomic knowledge; however, it lacks a standardized phytosociological classification system that, on one hand, merges vegetation knowledge and, on the other, facilitates an understanding of its spatial distribution based on geobotanical standards (
We pursue a dual objective, to both apply, for the first time (as far we know), a novel bioclimatic mapping methodology in Mexico, and to analyse its relationship with hierarchical land cover-vegetation physiognomic data. The newly mapped Mexican vegetation patterns are further discussed in terms of their relevance for predicting place-based climatic impacts on natural vegetation. This innovative approach allows for the prediction of site-specific bioclimatic patterns and vegetation physiognomy. This research represents a pioneering effort to integrate bioclimatic mapping with hierarchical land cover-vegetation physiognomy data in Mexico, highlighting its originality and contribution to the field of bioclimatic analysis and conservation planning.
Mexico, located in the southern region of North America, covers an area of approximately 1.96 million km2, making it the third largest country in Latin America and the fourteenth largest in the world (
In terms of bioclimatic cartography, our primary data source was the Digital Climatic Atlas of Mexico (DCAM). The atlas is mainly constructed from climatic data that include monthly and annual averages for precipitation and temperature from 1902 to 2011, obtained from the National Meteorological System (SMN) (
The climatic units recognised in this system includes:
The preliminary bioclimatic outcome depicted gradients of precipitation (ombro) and temperature (thermic) conditions clustered into bioclimatic patterns depicting all possible combinations of ombro and thermic indices. Due to scale issues, some of these bioclimatic classes were re-grouped on basis of their resemblance and correlation to the closely related adjacent index. This enabled us to construct a novel bioclimatic map of Mexico (sensu
Bioclimatic parameters and indices as defined by
Abbreviation | Name | Definition |
T | Annual Mean Temperature | Annual mean temperature in degrees Celsius (°C). |
P | Annual Precipitation | Annual precipitation in millimetres (mm). |
Pp | Positive Precipitation | Sum of the mean precipitation in millimetres for months with a mean temperature above 0°C. |
Tp | Positive Temperature | Sum of temperatures for months with a mean temperature above 0°C, expressed in tenths of a degree. |
Ic | Continentality Index | Expresses the difference or oscillation between the mean temperature of the warmest month (Tmax) and the coldest month of the year (Tmin). Ic = Tmax – Tmin. |
It | Thermicity Index | The sum in tenths of a degree of the annual mean temperature (T), the mean temperature of the coldest month (m), and the mean temperature of the warmest month (M). It can also be calculated as the annual mean temperature plus twice the temperature of the coldest month, all multiplied by ten. It is an index that weighs the intensity of cold, a limiting factor for many plants and vegetal communities. (T + M + m) * 10 <=> (Tmed + 2 * Tmin) * 10. |
Itc | Compensated Thermicity Index | An index that attempts to weigh the value of the thermicity index (It) due to the “excess” of cold or temperance that occurs during the cold season in continental or hyperoceanic territories on Earth. Itc = It if Ic (8–18). They will be different if Ic <8 or Ic >18; then, a correction factor (Ci) must be calculated. If Ic >18, then Itc = It + Ci. If Ic < 8, then Itc = It - Ci. Ci is a compensation factor calculated according to the proposal of |
Io | Annual Ombrothermic Index | This index is the ratio of Positive Precipitation (Pp) to Positive Temperature (Tp), multiplied by ten. Io = (Pp / Tp) * 10. This index allows the determination of the ombrotype. It can be differentiated into upper and lower horizons. |
Iod2 | Ombrothermic Index of the Dryest Bimonth | Iod2 = (Ppd2 / Tpd2). This index is derived from the total precipitation of the two driest months within the driest fourth-monthly period of the year (Ppd2), divided by the total temperature of the two driest months within the driest fourth-monthly period of the year (Tpd2). |
Cartographically, inputs were obtained from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of México (scale 1:250,000; INEGI
Mexican vegetation patterns were obtained by crossing the bioclimatic as well as the vegetation physiognomic land cover maps using ArcMap GIS 10.5. Correlations among cartographic classes were used to either maintain or cluster classes accordingly to their climatic and physiognomic affinity. The complete methodological steps and the sources of information used to elaborate the core product of the present research are presented in Figure
Description of vegetation physiognomic categories used for this survey. Tree (forests), shrub (shrublands), herbaceous and non-vascular plants (grasslands and Non-Vascular plants) categories are based on dominant attributes and specific growth forms and height characteristics. Dominant refers to life forms covering ≥ 60% of the surface of the polygons (
Criteria | Dominant attributes | Qualifiers, definition and description of the dominant elements or attributes |
Physiognomy (form of growth) | Tree | Forests. Dominated by woody-stemmed plants over 5 m tall. |
Shrub | Shrublands. Dominated by plants with one or more woody or succulent stems. Mostly less than 5 m tall or plants with arborescent or arborescent or arbofrutescent habit greater than 5 m tall. | |
Herbaceous and Non-Vascular plants | Grassland. Dominated by plants without a woody base and Non-Vascular plants with no or primitive vascular system. |
Using climatic data as input, we showed five ombrotypes and five thermotypes as major bioclimatic classes of Mexico. The former includes (Hyper)Arid, (Semi)Arid, Subhumid, Humid, and Hyper-Ultra Humid precipitation classes, whereas the latter comprises Infra, Thermo, Meso, Supra and Oro tropical temperature classes. Arid ombrotypes cover 55.6%, whereas, Subhumid (29.8%) and Humid (13.8%) together cover 43% of the total surface of Mexico. However, the combination of these classes only permitted the cartographic expression of 13 bioclimatic classes. The dominant bioclimate in Mexico obtained was the (Semi)Arid Mesotropical (33.5% of the total Mexican surface). (Semi)Arid and Subhumid both Thermotropical bioclimate belts were the next best represented, 14.8% and 13.2% of the total Mexican surface, respectively (Table
Data (percentage) depicting the 13 different bioclimatic belts of Mexico mappable at scale 1:4,000,000.
Ombrotypes | TOTAL | |||||
(Hiper)Arid | (Semi)Arid | Subhumid | Humid | Hiper-Ultra Humid | ||
Infratropical | 23.1 | 2.4 | 9.1 | |||
Thermotropical | 7.3 | 14.9 | 13.2 | 5.8 | 1.40 | 42.6 |
Mesotropical | 33.5 | 6.6 | 3.4 | 43.5 | ||
Supratropical | 2.6 | 2.2 | 4.8 | |||
Orotropical | 0.0 | 0.0 | ||||
TOTAL | 7.3 | 48.3 | 29.2 | 13.8 | 1.4 | 100.00 |
Within the Forest, the Infra-Thermo-Meso-Supratropical region covers 22,132 km² in (Hyper/Semi) Arid conditions and 134,085 km² in Dry environments. This is mainly containing spiny deciduous trees locally named Mezquital and partially, Deciduous Dry Forests. Infratropical areas show a shift from Subhumid to Humid climate areas (94,977 km²) with forests. This also comprises Deciduous broadleaved forest types intermingle with columnari- thorn forest life forms. The Thermotropical and the Mesotropical thermotypes show a spectrum from Subhumid to Humid ombrotypes, covering 328,002 km²; the former comprise Subdeciduous broad-leaved forests, and the latter are dominated by needle-leaved conifer forests. Supratropical Subhumid and humid forests cover 82,918 km², represent transitions that are mainly restricted to mountainous landscapes. The first contains an ecotone from Subdeciduous (Mainly broad-leaved) to Perennial (mainly scale and needle leaved) forests locally representing the Mexican timber line. The Orotropical Hyper-Ultra humid often represents evergreen perennial broad-leaved forests.
Shrublands, which predominate in the Dry Thermo-Meso-Supratropical zone, cover 532,521 km² and represent a significant proportion of climates under water stress for long periods of the year. These shrublands include the Xerophitic shrubland that comprises a large number of vegetation communities such as Cardonal (dominated by Pachycereus pringlei), Tetetzal (Neobuxbaumia tetetzo), Izotal (Yucca periculosa), Nopaleras (Opuntia spp.), Magueyal (Agave cupreata, A. durangensis; A. cerulata), and arid sandy desert vegetation. One portion of these shrublands correspond mainly to the Mediterranean Macrobioclimate (158,117 km2); and this vegetation type is locally known as Chaparral shrublands (dominated by Adenostoma, Arctostaphylos, Ceanothus, Quercus, Hechita, and other genera) and is found in Baja California and expands largely into Chihuahua and isolated remnants in the central Plateau of Mexico. North American Chaparral is best represented in California and New Mexico states (
The Herbaceous and Non-Vascular physiognomy is distributed in different bioclimatic belts spread over 84,862 km² in (Hyper/Semi) Arid and 80,616 km² are in the (Semi)Dry Infra-Thermo-Meso-Supratropical belts.
Water bodies, widespread across several bioclimatic levels, are critical for the maintenance of aquatic biodiversity and cover 12,958 km², while extensive human activities, land-use changes and urbanisation are reflected in the 529,794 km² of cultural areas (27.3%), which predominate in the (Semi)Dry Meso-Supratropical regions. This reveals the intricate ecological mosaic that characterises each physiognomic level across different climatic and geographical parameters. Cultural areas, prevalent in the (Semi)Dry Meso-Supratropical, indicate extensive human activities, land use change and urbanisation. Overall, the complex relationship of thermotypes, ombrotypes and vegetation physiognomic land cover types highlights the diverse ecological and bioclimatic belts of Mexico and emphasises the need for sustainable management and conservation efforts. Understanding these patterns is crucial for informed land management and conservation strategies.
The core output of the present research focuses on depicting specific regions where bioclimatic conditions may face changes. Figure
The forests corresponding to the hyper-arid and Semi-arid ombrotypes, with thermotypes ranging from infra to Supratropical in red, and the forests that thrive in the Dry ombrotype and in thermotypes ranging from infra to Supratropical are in yellow. In the Sub-Humid ombrotype, forests range from Infra-tropical (brown) to Supra-tropical (cream) depending on the thermotype in which they develop. In the Humid ombrotype, forests develop from Infratropical (light green) to Supratropical (army green). Forests developing in the Hyperhumid and Ultra-Humid ombrotypes are shown as dark green for all thermotypes. In the case of shrub formations, we have a range of purple colours. In Hyperarid and Semi-arid (including infra- to Supratropical thermotypes) the colour is purple. The shrubs found in the areas with dry ombrotypes in the infra- to Supratropical thermotypes are represented by a strong violet colour, and the formations that develop in the bioclimatic belt with sub-humid and humid ombrotypes in the Thermo-, Meso- and Supratropical thermotypes are defined by a soft violet colour. Finally, the category of Herbaceous and Non-vascular plants is represented by shades of blue; when they develop on bioclimatic belt with hyper-arid and semi-arid ombrotypes, with thermotypes ranging from infra- to Supratropical, we have defined them as dark blue. If they are found in the arid and thermotypes ranging from infra- to Supratropical, the colour assigned is intense blue, and finally, if we find elements of this category in the Sub-humid to Utra-Humid ombrotypes in all thermotypes (Infra-Orotropical), the colour assigned is light blue. Water bodies are shown in dark blue. Cultural areas are shown in grey. In the case of the forests, we find three different shades of colour. Vegetation communities nested within the native ecosystems described here are yet to be correlated at finer scales (e.g., 1:250,000) since spatially explicit floristic vegetation types are not yet available for the whole country (e.g.,
By using advanced bioclimatic and land cover mapping techniques, we are able to delineate the spatial distribution of different plant formation classes, providing insights into the extent and status of diverse ecosystems (
Mapping the vegetation formations of Mexico is not novel. Ochoterena’s contribution (
Our work highlights a number of key bioclimatic characteristics of Mexico. The dominance of Arid-(Humid)-(Thermo) Mesotropical types in the present bioclimatic map, covering 64.7% of Mexico’s surface area, reflects the ecological significance of these bioclimatic conditions, especially in Arid ombrotypes. Given global climatic trends, regions experiencing arid conditions may encounter challenges related to water scarcity and desertification. Conversely, shifts from Humid into Subhumid ombrotypes may be expected (
The tabulated data provide a complex overview of the different physiognomic level and their respective thermotypes and ombrotypes, each making a distinctive contribution to the ecological mosaic (Figure
This study sheds light on the complex interplay between climate and vegetation in Mexico and highlights the central role of bioclimatology. The detailed bioclimatic and vegetation maps presented provide a comprehensive overview of the ecological mosaic, revealing the diverse bioclimatic conditions that characterise this megadiverse nation. However, it’s important to recognise the limitations and perspectives of this comparison, especially when considering the broader context of biogeographic classifications. In addition, further research should consider other environmental factors such as soils.
The combination of bioclimatic data and vegetation maps reveals Mexico’s ecological diversity, ranging from semi-arid to humid bioclimates, and from forest formations to shrublands. These findings underscore the complexity of Mexico’s ecosystems and highlight the importance of sustainable management and informed conservation efforts.
Dominant land cover and vegetation types clustered into the land cover physiognomic formations used in the present research. Vegetation types derived from polygons where taxonomic families, genus or species prevail combined with a specific phenology of the foliage (
Land cover classes and vegetation types | Land cover and Physiognomic formations |
Towns | Cultural |
Cities | |
Cropland (irrigation & humid) | |
Cropland (annual basis) | |
Conifers | Forest |
Conifers & broad-leaved | |
Broad-leaved | |
Mountain cloud forest | |
Perennial & sub-perennial | |
Deciduous & sub-deciduous | |
“Mezquital” | Shrubland |
Xerophytic scrubland | |
Grassland | Grassland |
Hygrophilous vegetation | |
Water bodies |
The present survey provides a novel attempt to correlate bioclimatic classification data with physiognomic vegetation types of Mexico, as a long-term objective to delineate plant formations representing spatially explicit ecosystem types. Detailed data on types within formation (e.g. order and alliances) and vegetation communities (associations) are yet to compiled and analysed so that proper classification and cartographic analyses are simultaneously performed. Joint vegetation classification and climatic cartographic semi-detailed analyses are an important tool for biodiversity assessments but are rather limited, to our knowledge, in scientific literature. This is a core need in some megadiverse countries where biodiversity is rapidly vanishing, and environmental policies would benefit from geobotanical spatially explicit data.
Bioclimatic data are available under request to the authors.
FG-M and AV leaded the contributions of all authors; FG-M performed bioclimatic, land cover and statistical and geographical analyses; AV conceived the research framework, collected data, performed statistical analyses, and wrote the paper; AGP performed statistical and bioclimatic geographical analyses; SRG conceived the research framework, and collected data; JFMC performed statistical and geographical analyses; AP collected data, performed botanical and statistical analyses.
Financial support is acknowledged from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Project: DGAPA-PAPIIT IN105721) and Posdoc scholarship for Alejandro González-Pérez (UNAM-DGAPA Postdoctoral Program). The first author is grateful to the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México for the support granted through the Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (Project 6796/2022CIB).