Long Database Report |
Corresponding author: José Antonio Molina ( jmabril@ucm.es ) Academic editor: Jürgen Dengler
© 2022 Jaime Oliveira, José Antonio Molina, Gonzalo Navarro.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Oliveira J, Molina JA, Navarro G (2022) BOVEDA, the Bolivian Vegetation Ecology Database: first stage, the Chacoan forests. Vegetation Classification and Survey 3: 191-197. https://doi.org/10.3897/VCS.84418
Bolivia is a country exceptionally rich in biodiversity and home to about 20,000 vascular plant species and 15 plant formations. Therefore, it is particularly important to document the biodiversity of this territory. The aim of the Bolivian Vegetation Ecology Database (BOVEDA; GIVD ID SA-BO-005) is to record floristic and ecological data of Bolivian vegetation. In the first stage, the database hosts 320 relevés from one of the most unique biogeographical units in the country, the Chaco. In total, 633 species belonging to 114 families have been recorded. Data on vegetation structure, soil, flooding regime and geomorphology have also been stored. The following nine vegetation structural types were identified: (1) deciduous forests of alluvial plains on well to moderately well drained soils; (2) deciduous to semideciduous Chaco forests transitional to the Andes; (3) deciduous and sclerophyllous Cerrado thorn-woodlands and shrublands transitional to the Chaco (Abayoy); (4) xeromorphic thorn shrubland and thickets on vertic, poorly drained soils; (5) woodlands and savannas on sand dunes and aeolian surfaces; (6) freshwater swamp forests; (7) saltwater swamp forests; (8) phreatophytic forests; (9) deciduous to semideciduous Chaco forests transitional to the Chiquitania. Further steps will be to incorporate new types of vegetation already recorded in the field such as Altiplano shrublands, Andean wetlands, Andean Polylepis forests, and vegetation of the dry inter-Andean valleys.
Taxonomic reference:
Abbreviations: BOVEDA = Bolivian Vegetation Ecology Database; GIVD = Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases.
Bolivia, Chaco, database, dry forest, Neotropics, phytosociology, soil-vegetation relationship, vegetation classification
Bolivia has one of the highest ecosystem diversities in the Neotropics (
The appearance of databases of relevés, and their compilation in global archives of metadata, meant a paradigm shift in the study of vegetation and biogeography. The GIVD (
Logo of the Bolivian Vegetation Ecology Database (BOVEDA). The logo characterizes an Altiplano plant-landscape of cactus and shrubland in the background and in the foreground the silhouette of the South American continent including within it that of Bolivia bordered by the name of the database (Bolivian Vegetation Ecology Database) and its acronym (BOVEDA).
As a first step in BOVEDA development, we included our data from the Chacoan region (Neotropical-Austroamerican Realm,
The bioclimate of the Bolivian Chaco is xeric, with a dry and semiarid precipitation zone (
A total of 320 georeferenced relevés were gathered from fieldwork conducted by the third author mainly in the Bolivian Chaco and some relevés from neighbouring countries (Figure
Our database is intended to compile vegetation ecology data and this information was considered in the design of the fields of the database. Environmental data includes topographical information, such as altitude (30%) and slope inclination (8%). More than half of all samples comprise substrate information, such as soil specifications (54%), or water electrical conductivity measured in hygromorphic habitats (5%). Soil texture is classified in the field according to USDA (2017).
Vegetation structure and typology is also included in BOVEDA. Thus, information about formation (37%), vegetation series (27%) and canopy height (17%) is provided. Degradation status related to human impact is available for a smaller proportion of plots (9%). Degradation is mostly caused by overgrazing as well as close proximity to human settlements or roads and sometimes fires.
A few relevés (< 2%) do not provide plant cover but only plant presence, which is noted as “p”. Our database comprises a single spreadsheet. The storage format is in xls and the export format is in csv. Upon request, the data are available according to a specific agreement.
A total of 633 taxa were identified to species level, while 836 were assigned to genus level only and 1010 remained unidentified at the time of survey. The taxa belong to 114 families. Taxonomic nomenclature followed http://www.worldfloraonline.org data and the Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Bolivia, accessible through the Tropicos database by the Missouri Botanical Garden, in http://legacy.tropicos.org/Project/BC (
The most predominant structure of the wooded vegetation were shrublands and woodlands (35%), followed by palm tree forests (17%) (Figure
Representative examples of woody vegetation from Bolivian Chaco. a) deciduous forest of alluvial plains on well to moderately well drained soils; b) deciduous to semideciduous Chaco forest transitional to the Chiquitanía and to the Andes; c) xeromorphic woodland and shrubland on vertic, poorly drained soils; d) savanna and woodland on sand dunes and aeolian surfaces; e) saltwater swamp palm forest; f) freshwater swamp forest.
Boxplots representing the woody species richness in nine woody vegetation types in Bolivian Chaco: (1) deciduous forests of alluvial plains on well to moderately well drained soils (n = 37); (2) deciduous to semideciduous Chaco forests transitional to the Andes (n = 8); (3) deciduous and sclerophyllous Cerrado thorn-woodlands and shrublands transitional to the Chaco (Abayoy) (n = 7); (4) xeromorphic thorn shrubland and thickets on vertic, poorly drained soils (n = 34); (5) woodlands and savannas on sand dunes and aeolian surfaces (n = 20); (6) freshwater swamp forests (n = 25); (7) saltwater swamp forests (n = 7); (8) phreatophytic forests (n = 11); (9) deciduous to semideciduous Chaco forests transitional to the Chiquitania (n = 51). Boxes represent the interquartile range of the data (50%), thick horizontal lines show median species richness, whiskers correspond to the variability outside of the interquartile range, and unfilled dots are outliers. Plot size = 2000 m2.
BOVEDA, the Bolivian Vegetation Ecology Database (SA-BO-005), is a new project unique in the country, and one of the very few on the South American continent (see
The BOVEDA is projected to gather data from all eco-regions in Bolivia. After Chacoan vegetation, the following vegetation types will be added as updates: the Bofedales wetlands, the Polylepis forests, the Altiplano shrublands, the dry inter-Andean valleys vegetation, and a set of relevés of Altiplano aquatic flora. With these data collections, the estimate of 1,000 existing plots will be reached, although the intent behind the project is for it to be continued further with data from multiple sources. Further data from past and current fieldwork conducted in areas of other South American countries including Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela and Ecuador are intended to be stored as well. The expectations of this database rest on two steps: the first extending over the next year will deal with including the raw data of works already published by us (
With the registration of BOVEDA in the GIVD database and the following actualization updates to come, BOVEDA provides a great opportunity for botanists and ecologists to use large amounts of original data from areas where published field data are rare and difficult to obtain. Thus, our database offers countless possibilities, such as: biodiversity analysis and mapping, species range mapping, biogeographical analysis, degradation and deforestation measured throughout the years, resistance and resilience measures of ecosystems in cases of perturbation like forest clearing, overgrazing or fire, and many others.
J.O. conducted database design, entered the data into database. J.A.M. conducted conception and curation of the database and conceptualized the manuscript. G.N. carried out field work (which included collection and identification of plants and collection of environmental data), provided supervision to assure the quality of the database and conducted curation of the database. All authors critically revised the manuscript versions.
Financial support was provided by 950629 FITOSOLUM- UCM Research Team.