This section includes papers focusing on phytosociological nomenclature. We encourage comprehensive nomenclatural revisions of major syntaxa, analyses of nomenclatural problems related with the names of wide-spread high-rank syntaxa as well as Forum Papers on general nomenclatural issues that are of interest to an international readership.
Further, this section publishes Nomenclatural Proposals (e.g., for nomina conservanda) according to the requirements of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN). For structure and style, please consult a recent contribution of this article category. A published Nomenclatural Proposal will automatically be processed by the Group on Phytosociological Nomenclature according to the ICPN regulations. If you would like to submit a nomenclatural proposal but are not able or do not want to cover the APCs that would be charged in VCS depending on your country and status, you can alternatively submit your proposal with the same structure per e-mail to the responsible editor ( Once a year, the new proposals will be published as part of the annual Report of the Committee for Changes and Conservation of Names (CCCN) (article category: CCCN Report) (the authors of individual proposals will be indicated in the Report). Publication of nomenclatural proposals as part of the CCCN Report is free of charge.
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