Papers published: 9 Papers in press: 0 Total pages: 139 Unique views: 14298 Total views: 21818 |
The IAVS Regional Section Latin America and the Carribean and IAVS’ gold open access journal “Vegetation Classification and Survey” are proud to launch a joint Special Collection dedicated to “Neotropical vegetation”.
Editors: Gwendolyn Peyre (Colombia), Bianca Andrade (Brazil) , Alejandro Velazquez (Mexico), Melisa Giorgis (Chair, Argentina)
Scope: The VCS Special Collection on the Neotropics aims at featuring vegetation works dealing with the different biomes present in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Special Collection will be arranged around three main complementary themes:
1 ‒ Vegetation data, distribution, representativeness and access
2 ‒ Vegetation description, analysis and classification
3 ‒ Vegetation management and conservation
Studies that encompass at least one of the themes from the perspective of vegetation classification/typology and/or ecoinformatics are eligible. The Special Collection aims at providing the first comprehensive overview on the actual vegetation classification research across the Neotropical biogeographic realm. The focus is on “Research Papers”, “Reviews and Syntheses” and “Database Reports”, but also any other article type of the journal is possible.
Procedure and deadlines:
Please note that “Vegetation Classification and Survey” is a gold open access journal, which normally requests article processing charges (APCs) from authors. Thanks to the generous support of the IAVS (, articles submitted by the end of 2022 are exempt from APCs as long as the first author is an IAVS member, while reduced membership fees apply to most Latin American countries.
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